(bottled directly from fermentation pots)

Contains probiotics, antioxidants and more vitamins than fresh fruits
Low in sugar, naturally sweet with a citrusy tang, highly refreshing

How to use:
Add 3 tablespoons of lemonade to any liquid of your choice. Stir throughly and enjoy!

Do not use hot water or manuka honey (reduces probiotics)
Do not shake 
3 months shelf life in refrigerator


(bottled directly from fermentation pots)

Rich in probiotics and antioxidants, prevents diseases 
Improves digestion and skin condition (controls eczema)
Low in sugar, slightly effervescent, pleasantly tart (similar to apple cider) 

How to use:
Mix 100ml of kombucha with 100ml of unsweetened tea or fruit juice. Stir throughly and enjoy!

Do not use hot water or manuka honey (reduces probiotics)
Do not shake 
3 months shelf life in refrigerator

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